124 Luxmoore Road, Timaru
+64 3 688 6341

About St Philip & All Saints

St Philip and All Saints is a Local Shared Ministry church whose origins reach back to the mid 19th century.

Local Shared Ministry is a way of structuring ministry so that the local church is responsible for establishing priorities for mission and ministry.

It is not a programme or a system, but a way of being, a culture.

Local Shared Ministry helps us to recognise

  • That every congregation is a ministering community, not a community gathered around a minister.
  • That every member is a minister.
  • That all the baptised have gifts and to release them for the good of the church.

Local Shared Ministry has led to the growth and development of all members of the Marchwiel Parish family. Services involve many participants.

The Structure of Local Shared Ministry
The structure of Local Shared Ministry can seem quite complicated, but in fact it is structured just like a bike! All the parts are necessary to make it function properly.

Team Leader :  Steers us all in the right direction and keeps the pedals turning

Administrator : Keeps the two wheels together and is the contact point for both sections.

Front Wheel : the Vestry takes care of the Church and grounds and the day to day running of the church and paying the bills, etc. and is elected at an Annual General Meeting.
Warden :  (Bishop’s)
Warden : Patsy Kelly (People’s)
Treasurer : Frances Spavin
Secretary :
Synod Rep. : Patsy Kelly and Revd. Pauline Geddes,

Lynley Simmons,  Revd. Eunice Penman and Revd. Margot Goodman,

Rear Wheel : The Ministry Support Team looks after the Spiritual needs. This team is chosen by the congregation at a “Calling”
Priests : Revd. Pauline Geddes and Revd. Eunice Penman
Deacons : Revd. Carolyn Sengelow and Revd. Margot Goodman
Administrator :
Worship Leader : Bruce Weston, Anne Hopkins, & Lynley Simmons
Funeral Minster : Lynley Simmons

LSM Enabler and/or Team Leader
Every LSM parish has a Diocesan appointed Enabler.  An Enabler works as :- A Spiritual director, a consultant/facilitator, an active encourager, supervisor, trouble-shooter, link with Diocese, empower, resource person, trainer.

The congregation calls from it’s midst those it discerns to have the gifts for particular areas of mission and ministry, following a framework set by the Diocese. Individuals are approached. The Ministry Support team is commissioned by the Bishop. A Ministry Enabler or Team Leader is appointed by the Bishop to guide the process and provide training and Leadership. Training is taken to each unit, rather than extracting people to a distant location to train them. The members of the Ministry Support Team are then Licensed.